Forms for Providers



 *If a form has a barcode associated with it, please use that version of the form even if the date is the same.

Service LineForm Name     # Date  
 Barcode Notes
Advance Care PlanningAdvance Care Planning Order Form   12.24   
Bleeding Disorders CenterBleeding Disorders Laboratory Requisition


BreastfeedingMedications and Breastfeeding | Patients12719 01.24   
 Medications and Breastfeeding | Providers12718 01.24   
 Pregnancy and Birthing Classes Flyer12731 02.24   
Cancer ServicesCancer Genetics Clinic Consult Request




 CFCC Oncology Referral


 Lung Cancer Screening Referral11611 06.22   
Cardiac ServicesAdmission Cardiothoracic Same-Day Surgery Orders




 EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) Physician Referral




 Cardiac Diagnostic Suite Test Request




 Physician Referral for Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation


 CytologyCytology Outpatient Service




 DiabetesDiabetes Self-Management Education
and Medical Nutrition Therapy Referral














 Outpatient Nutrition Counseling CadillacDIA20151 05.18 BC 
 Patient Insulin Instruction Checklist




Dialysis Medical Nutrition Therapy Referral - Chronic Kidney Disease




 EEGEEG Physician Referral




E-ConsultsMHC E-Consult Patient Information Handout12609 03.23   
 MHC E-Consult Provider-PCP Information12610 03.23   
General & Misc.48 Hour or Less Stay History and Physical




 Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN)6146 07.20   
 APP Controlled Substance Prescriptive Authority Delegation   12.16   
 Delegation of Parental Rights and Consent to Medical Treatment0174 02.19   
 MHC Patient Authorization for Release of Health Information0525 02.23   
 Know Your Medications Card


 Mandatory Report of a Maternal Death




 PA Practice Agreement Model   03.17   
 Provider Authorization for Use of Web Based Appointment Scheduling10206  05.24   
 Physician Office Forms Request


 Influenza Consent Form






Infection PreventionKMHC Immunization Consent Form11958 01.19   
Information SystemsComputer System Access Request Form -- PDF *


  02.25  *When submitting a Computer System Access Request Form,
please include a signed Confidentiality Agreement (#195)
if you don't currently have access to Munson's systems. 
 4 Steps to Cerner PowerChart Access for Your Staff


 Confidentiality Agreement


Informed Consent

MHC Informed Consent for Procedure 

0303 03.23 BC 
 MHC Confirmation of Choice to Refuse or Accept Designated Treatments Utilizing Blood Products - ADULT0318 10.23 BC 
Infusion ClinicAdult CKD - Epoetin - Iron Orders




 Bisphosphonate Zoledronic Acid-Reclast Infusion Order




 Central Line Flush and TPA Protocol - OP Infusion Clinic12698 09.23   
 Central Venous - Outpatient PICC Line InsertionG-008AMB 07.23 


 Electrolyte Replacement Order - OP Infusion Clinic12696 06.23   
 Hydration Order - OP Infusion Clinic12519 05.22   
 InFLIXimab biosim
Load Infusion Order
12565 09.22   
 InFLIXimab biosim
Maintenance Infusion Order
12566 09.22   
 IV Iron Orders for Adults






 IVIG Adult Outpatient Order




 IVIG Pediatric Outpatient Order


 Prolia (Denosumab) Injection




 Therapeutic Phlebotomy Order - OP Infusion Clinic12697 09.23   
 Transfusion Order - Outpatient Infusion Clinic


 LaboratoryAdvance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage




 Anatomic Pathology Outpatient Services




 Laboratory Non-Patient Order -- MHC Grayling Hospital LAB 20192  10.15   
 PDSS Lab Requisition




 Laboratory Supply & Forms Requisition   11.23   
 Lumbar Puncture Laboratory Requisition




 Outpatient Laboratory Requisition


 Semen Analysis


 Watkins Pharmacy | Serum for Eye Drops  02.22   
LegalMHC Notice of Patient Protections Against Surprise Billing12478 01.25   
 MHC Notice of Right to Receive a Good Faith Estimate 12479 12.21   
 MHC Detailed Good Faith Estimate12480 01.22   
Maternity and FetalFetal Echocardiogram Referral12462 11.21   
 Maternity Non-Stress Test Physician Referral






 Maternity Follow Up




 Maternity Fetal Medicine Referral






 Pregnancy and Birthing Classes Flyer12731 02.24   
 Birth Preferences12302 11.24   
 NutritionMedical Nutrition Therapy Referral/Outpatient Nutrition Counseling




 Chronic Kidney Disease: Medical Nutrition Therapy Referral


 Pain ClinicComprehensive Pain Management Referral Communication




PharmacyMunson Specialty Pharmacy - Request for Pharmacy Prior Authorization and Medication Approval Support Services  02.24  After completing and signing the form, either fax to 231-213-8716 or email to Matt Born.
Physician ListsPhysician/Provider Communication List Request


 04.24  This form can be used to request mailing labels, etc. To request a communication to providers, please submit a Marketing Request.
 POACPOAC Consultation Referral


Pediatric Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Consult Referral



Pulmonary Services




RadiologyAnesthesia Order for Radiology Procedure




 Barium Enema Preparation Instructions




 Breast Health Center Risk Assessment Questionnaire




 Breast Imaging Order


 Breast MRI Information




 Cat Scan Scheduling Questionnaire


  12.18   Please complete form 8997 [Cat Scan Scheduling Questionnaire] NOT 6425 for scheduling a patient. The form 6425 is for Munson CT use. Form 8997 includes the questions that will be asked at time of patient scheduling.
 CT Lung Cancer Screening Order


 Incoming Image Request11283 01.19 BC 
 Instructions for Myelograms


 Mammogram & Bone Density Questionnaire


 Mammogram Film Release Request




 MRI Patient Information/Assessment




 Outpatient Radiology Test Request




 Outpatient Ultrasound Order


 PET Scan Order




 Universal Radiology Order and Prep Forms - Charlevoix Hospital




Rehabilitation ServicesRehabilitation Services Referral




 Mary Free Bed at Munson Healthcare Rehabilitation Services Referral | East Region   01.24   
 Mary Free Bed at Munson Healthcare Rehabilitation Services Referral | Grand Traverse Region 12391 07.21   
 Mary Free Bed at Munson Healthcare Rehabilitation Services Referral | South Region   01.24   
 Mary Free Bed Medical Exercise Consultation  01.24   
 Sleep DisordersMunson Sleep Disorders Center Referral Process


 In-Hospital Sleep Apnea Test Information


 Referral Form for an Overnight Pulse Oximetry Test


 Sleep Apnea Patient Education


 Sleep Disorders Referral




 Stoma TherapyOutpatient Wound Ostomy Continence Clinic Physician Order




Student Job ShadowingJob Shadow Process   10.14   
 Job Shadow Release and Waiver of Liability      
 SurgeryAdult Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Protocol






 Pediatric Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Protocol8956 01.19   
 Scheduling Order Information




Vaccination MHC Vaccination Registry Flyer12446 10.21